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ASUP Criticizes Deterioration at Federal Polytechnic Offa

The Academic Staff Union of Polytechnics (ASUP) at Federal Polytechnic Offa has expressed serious concern over the deteriorating conditions at the institution. ASUP Chairman Idowu Atilola attributed the decline partly to the frequent absence of the institution’s key principal managers, including the rector, bursar, and registrar.

In a statement on Tuesday, Atilola highlighted several pressing issues:

“The union is embarrassed to announce the continued despicable state of our institution, as evidenced by the recent shameful disconnection by PHCN due to non-payment, the pitiable state of infrastructural facilities, and the school environment being likened to a Guinea Savanna that is now host to animals.”

The union warned that unless these issues are addressed, they may declare the institution unfit for habitation and academic activities:

“We cannot continue to show understanding while the management is bullying all and sundry on duties that are their absolute preserve.”

ASUP also criticized the registry department for what they described as “a grand level of incompetence and mischief,” citing various issues such as:

  • Refusal to properly project union agreements
  • Non-issuance of return letters to winners of the Council elections
  • Concocting fake information to malign staff
  • Non-keeping of proper records
  • Usurpation of powers
  • Abuse of office

The union emphasized the need for a comprehensive review of registry operations to prevent further decline and ensure the institution’s stability:

“We have discovered that this trend, if not curbed, is a disaster in the making, and we must take proactive steps to save the souls of the staff.”

ASUP called on the management to urgently address these concerns or face more drastic measures in the near future.

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