Exchange Rate
Pound to Naira Black Market Rate Today July 2, 2023 Aboki
Are you interested in finding the exchange rate of pounds to Naira for today.
We help you with the recent updates below, just go through it.
The pounds and Naira exchange rate has been updated based on the Lagos exchange rate or rather the Abokifx exchange rate.
If you want to buy a pound now you will buy it for 1000 Naira Black Market Rate
If you have A Pound right now, you will exchange it for 985
To give you an accurate rate we had to check what rates dealers are selling right here in Lagos and Abuja respectively the Pounds To Naira Exchange Rate is
1000, this means you can buy Pounds at 1000 while you can sell at 985
Pounds to Naira (GBP to NGN) | Exchange Rate Today |
Buying Rate | 1000 |
Selling Rate | 985 |