Why I removed tattoo of Naira Marley from my thigh — Mandy Kiss reveals

Why I removed tattoo of Naira Marley from my thigh — Mandy Kiss reveals

Media Influencer, Mandy Kiss ends the silence on her justification behind eliminating the once-decorated tattoo of her crush, Naira Marley from her thigh.

In a note by means of her Instagram story, Mandy Kiss ponders being an another person rather than who she used to be. She further added a sign of how circumstances and people will undoubtedly be changed no matter what their significance.

“You have just one life my g, there’s no time for hate, you need to realize nothing is permanent, nothing is guaranteed, everyone and thing is replaceable.

Learn how to adapt to situations quickly if not you’ll waste time on meaningless things. Enjoy life, chop it everyday, take care of the people you love, follow your passion, stop giving a fuck about people’s opinions, everybody in this world will die eventually,” she composed.

Mandy Kiss further share a photograph of Naira Marley with a heart emoj on it meaning her untampered love for him despite the tattoo removal which was a personal choice

Why I removed tattoo of Naira Marley from my thigh — Mandy Kiss reveals

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