Summary of foods that children should avoid if they do not want their children to precocious puberty
Today, it is not uncommon to see cases of children entering elementary school who have seen breast development or menstruation. Most of the main cause is due to diet.
Puberty should only be an important milestone when a child is fully developed both physically and mentally. Boys usually have puberty between 12 and 16 years old, while girls are a bit older from 10 to 14 years old.
Recently, the trend of precocious puberty has increased. The average age for breast development is 9 years. However, some rare cases of 4-year-old children have entered puberty. In addition to psychological and psychological issues, experts say that early puberty "is an increased risk factor for adolescent depression and adult breast cancer."
No parent wants to see their daughter develop breasts at the age of 6, or menstruation when she first enters grade 4. The cause of premature puberty is due to early hormone development. The reasons for this are numerous - due to the environment, exercise regime, and diet affecting hormones.
Here are some foods that cause early puberty girls to avoid:
1. Food contains too much nutrition
Most mothers are obsessed with their baby's weight and nourish them with the most nutritious foods. Nowadays, life develops so mothers can afford to buy enough foods such as bird's nest, royal jelly, ... to nourish their children. Excess substance makes children overweight and obese - one of the causes leading to precocious puberty.
2. Food is out of season
Today, winter vegetables are still available in the summer. People do not need to wait for "any season, wake up" like the old days. But this is also the reason why people ingest all kinds of stimulants, ripe chemicals, pesticides, pesticides, ... All kinds of chemicals that affect the body have can cause early puberty.
3. Food stimulating growth
Functional foods, milk, supplements, .... today often advertise to help children develop height, healthy and smart. However, these foods often contain strong hormones, which will lead to a child's hormonal imbalance.
4. Fast food, fried food
Foods that are fried at high temperatures are easy to turn into fats that are difficult to metabolize. The excess fat stored in the body makes children overweight, endocrine disorders, easy to puberty early.
5. Foods containing coloring matter
In Europe, phtalanats are banned, because if used in high amounts, it will have the same effects as sex hormones, causing phenomena such as early puberty. Colorings are abundant in canned foods, sweets, confectionery, etc.
6. Carbonated drinks
Soft drinks contain a lot of sugar and very high glycemic index, when children drink a lot will increase the concentration of insulin and thereby lead to the growth of sexual hormone levels. This is the cause of early puberty in children.
One study analyzed 5,583 girls between the ages of 9 and 14 in the United States between 1996 and 2001. Girls who consumed a lot of sugary drinks started their menstrual period early. Babies who drink one can a day are 24% more likely to start puberty than babies who drink less than 2 cans a week.
7. Head meat and poultry neck
The type of poultry currently injected with many growth stimulants. These substances are most concentrated in the head and neck. When children eat a lot of head of poultry accidentally eat the whole stimulant, the body is like being fed "stimulating growth" food.
8. Animal offal
Animal organs also contain many thyroid hormones, sex glands, ... of animals. A dish that cooks too many internal organs together with too much weight and concentration will turn into a "stimulating" food that develops at a high level.
9. Salty foods
Recently, numerous published studies have linked salt to puberty. Scientists hypothesize that high salt intake can lead to early puberty because high salt intake activates a reproductive hormone (neurokinin B). In addition, many salts affect hormones that trigger ovulation and progesterone.
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